Thursday, June 4, 2009

Meiland Discussion Questions from Group 5 (Pgs 27-31)

Choose one question to respond to, or you can respond to what someone else has posted:

1. On page 27, line 24, Meiland writes, "some students do not ask enough questions in class because the are intimidated by their teachers." Have you ever felt "intimidated" or threatened by your teachers? How were you able to ask your questions in this case?

2. Meiland says that no question is really stupid, but that "you may still feel that your questions are 'stupid' and this inhibits you from asking them" (pg 28, line 22). Do you agree that no question is "stupid"? Have you ever hesitated from asking questions because you thought they were "stupid"?

3. Meiland says that teachers learn much in the classes they teach (pg 29, line 28). Have you ever felt that teachers have learned from their students? What do think they can "learn" from us?

Group 5 Leaders:
Yuki N.
Shuya K.
Mai K.